Our Impact

VERY is our moral community compass. We abide it through advocating for various forms of justice to uplift the visibility, needs, and voices of BIPOC populations. As a Black-led organization, we organize and advocate for legislation that empowers and protects Black people from equity to the fight against policies that disenfranchise and disproportionately impact our communities.


Voter Justice

We believe all Arizonans should have fair access to the ballot box. We fight to expand the electorate and remove barriers to participation so that everyone has a voice in democracy.

Economic Justice

We believe in an economy that works for all. Our BIPOC communities deserve equitable access and opportunities to thrive in their livelihood. We work on initiatives and policies that address the root causes of inequality from fair living wages to greater oversight of financial sectors.


Racial Justice

In this country, systemic racism still endures and is deeply embedded in the structures of our society today. Significant racial disparities that systematically target people of color. We fight for equitable policies that lift up communities of color to attack a system and level the playing field.

Youth Justice

Building a pipeline through engagement, education, and empowerment is the foundation of our work. Our Fellowship programs provide support, resources, and mentorship our BIPOC youth need to become the next generation of leaders.