Together, we can create the Arizona we believe in.
Your donation is powerful
Our work doesn’t stop when election season ends. We organize year round to build Black civic power, cultivate young leaders, and advocate for policies that lift up Black and Brown communities.
Your contribution fuels our efforts to build Arizona’s powerful and prosperous New American Majority.
We get stuff done
Doors knocked
We knocked on nearly 800K doors in 2024, helping to send our state’s first Latino leader to the U.S. Senate and protect abortion access in the state constitution.
Leaders developed
We’ve helped develop over 500 leaders through our youth development programs.
Black voter turnout
We helped galvanize record Black voter turnout in 2020 —an 11-point increase from 2016.
how to Donate another way
To donate to Our Voice, Our Vote Arizona by check, please make your check out to “Our Voice, Our Vote Arizona” and mail it to:
Our Voice, Our Vote Arizona
1241 E Washington St Suite 103
Phoenix, AZ 85034
To donate by wire transfer, reach out to us at info@ourvoiceourvote.us.
Your donation to OVOV PAC will help us build political power by electing candidates into office, advocating for progressive policies, and growing the pipeline of young leaders in Arizona. Donations to OVOV PAC are not tax-deductible. To make a tax-deductible donation to our partner 501(c)3 organization, Arizona Coalition for Change, click here.
If you have a question about an online donation or wish to modify an existing contribution, please contact our payment processing vendor, ActBlue, by emailing info@actblue.com.