ovov pac
We fight for leaders who will fight for us.
flip the legislature
Republicans have controlled at least one house of the Arizona state legislature for decades.
Republicans have controlled at least one house of the Arizona state legislature for decades. They have used their power to benefit their wealthy backers and special interests at the expense of the rest of us.
We are committed to flipping control so we can finally make progress on the issues Arizonans care most about—from immigration and environmental protections to economic opportunity and public education.
Not sure what district you’re in? Find your district→
our endorsements aren’t given, they’re earned
Congratulations to the candidates who won their legislative races in 2024:
Legislative District 2
Legislative District 9
Legislative District 11
Legislative District 17
Legislative District 18
Legislative District 21
Legislative District 23
Legislative District 24
Legislative District 26
u.s. senate
Roosevelt school district
Tuscon Unified School District
Launched in 2019, Our Voice, Our Vote Arizona Political Action Committee (PAC) Is The largest Black-led PAC in Arizona history.
We provide direct contributions and run Independent Expenditure campaigns to support federal, state, local candidates and issues to build a future that is inclusive, equitable, and prosperous.
In 2020, we galvanized support to elect a historic number of women and people of color and helped increase the Black turnout rate by 11 points to a record high of 60%.
In 2022, we ran a statewide voter engagement campaign that helped secure the victory in the elections for Arizona Governor and Attorney General, along with ensuring a key win in the race for U.S. Senator in Arizona.